Monday, October 19, 2009

Got Curb Appeal?

Recently, we have had several customers visit us at Julie LaTerra Homes Design Center who are considering building a brand new custom home. They do have to sell their current home and are in the process of doing all of those things necessary to get their home market-ready.
As you know, curb appeal is so important and you want your home to stand out from the others. If you are in this situation, one of the things that you need to do is to prepare your lawn and now is the perfect time to do that. You need to aerate, put down grass seed and fertilize. Also, water your lawn for a few minutes daily for the first week. Within a week to ten days you should see new grass growing and the rest of your lawn will look lush and green.
With just a little bit of effort, your home will have much better curb appeal and will sell a little faster and you can start designing and building your brand new Made from Scratch custom home with Julie LaTerra Homes!

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