Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Weatherize Your Home BEFORE You Start Feeling the Chill

So the weather is STILL all over the place in the Carolinas, LOL. You've got the heat running in the morning and overnight, then the afternoon heats things up to 75+ and you've got the AC going! With all that in mind, it sure does make you think about where all the energy's going. For instance, I just spoke to a friend who found out that an automated fan in her attic was sucking all the warm air out from downstairs ... thus the $300 heating bill! And when you realize that, on average, half of the energy used in a home is for heating and cooling, you start to see how things can really add up.

Check this out: to learn some tricks of the trade to keep your power bill cool, and your living areas warm this season.

In the meantime, I'm saving money on energy costs by opening up my windows and blinds, and letting the sun light up my workspace, and not to mention, keep me comfortably warm. Oh how I love the fall season!

And don't forget about "After-Hours" tonight. My online office hours will be from 5:30 to 7:30. I'll be here on Blogger, as well as Facebook and Twitter. Just check it all out at !

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