Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Weatherize Your Home BEFORE You Start Feeling the Chill

So the weather is STILL all over the place in the Carolinas, LOL. You've got the heat running in the morning and overnight, then the afternoon heats things up to 75+ and you've got the AC going! With all that in mind, it sure does make you think about where all the energy's going. For instance, I just spoke to a friend who found out that an automated fan in her attic was sucking all the warm air out from downstairs ... thus the $300 heating bill! And when you realize that, on average, half of the energy used in a home is for heating and cooling, you start to see how things can really add up.

Check this out: to learn some tricks of the trade to keep your power bill cool, and your living areas warm this season.

In the meantime, I'm saving money on energy costs by opening up my windows and blinds, and letting the sun light up my workspace, and not to mention, keep me comfortably warm. Oh how I love the fall season!

And don't forget about "After-Hours" tonight. My online office hours will be from 5:30 to 7:30. I'll be here on Blogger, as well as Facebook and Twitter. Just check it all out at !

Monday, October 26, 2009

Home Improvement Ideas

This is a great resource for anyone looking to follow the latest home improvement trends!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Energy-Efficient Options Remain High as Homeowners Downsize

Julie LaTerra Homes is excited to make available to you some key findings from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Home Design Trends Survey for the 2nd quarter 2009.

Reflecting homeowner preferences, this survey focused on home design trends that are gaining popularity in the areas of home function, systems and products. Almost five hundred residential architects, covering all facets of the residential design profession, were surveyed on emerging design preferences of homeowners.

The study found with homes downsizing and prices shrinking, homeowners continue to choose energy-efficient options and low maintenance products while scaling back on special function rooms such as media rooms/ home theaters, exercise rooms, guest or kid wings, and three-car garages. Yet Julie LaTerra Homes’ buyers are still using their homes as passionately as ever. For instance, home offices, still the most popular ‘special function’ room, may be used to limit commuting to work, or as the principle office for a growing numbers of home-based self-employed workers and small businesses.

Energy-efficiency is tops on the list of homeowner’s requests. Double and triple glazed windows, low-maintenance materials, extra attic insulation and alternative home insulation (such as spray foam, structural foam panels or our favorite – healthy cellulose) continues to increase in popularity at Julie LaTerra Homes. Other popular home features such as first-floor master bedroom suites, elevators and ramps, and easy-to-use features such as door handles and faucets all improve accessibility within your home.

The survey found popular systems in homes focused on energy efficiency such as geothermal heating and cooling heat pumps are also increasing in popularity. Systems for energy management, water reclamation/graywater collection, and air purification were also high on homeowner’s popularity lists.

Water saving and conserving products, “green” flooring, and synthetic-based products (such as countertops, siding, trim and decking) are other products gaining popularity by a majority of homeowners and can all be found at Julie LaTerra Homes.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Got Curb Appeal?

Recently, we have had several customers visit us at Julie LaTerra Homes Design Center who are considering building a brand new custom home. They do have to sell their current home and are in the process of doing all of those things necessary to get their home market-ready.
As you know, curb appeal is so important and you want your home to stand out from the others. If you are in this situation, one of the things that you need to do is to prepare your lawn and now is the perfect time to do that. You need to aerate, put down grass seed and fertilize. Also, water your lawn for a few minutes daily for the first week. Within a week to ten days you should see new grass growing and the rest of your lawn will look lush and green.
With just a little bit of effort, your home will have much better curb appeal and will sell a little faster and you can start designing and building your brand new Made from Scratch custom home with Julie LaTerra Homes!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

After-Hours Consulting ... Free!!

Don't forget about tomorrow night's After-Hours consulting session! We're utilizing social media in a whole new way - by using it to offer free consulting! Join us HERE every Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:30 for free after-hours consulting with Julie. You've asked - now you shall receive! Pitch discussion topics and questions by contacting us at!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Round 2 "After Hours with Julie"

Just wanted to remind you that this evening from 5:30-7:30, we will be hosting "After Hours with Julie" and we would love to have you join us. Visit to submit topics, ideas or questions. Follow the links on our website to join the discussion from Charlotte's premier custom home builder, Julie LaTerra.