Monday, March 30, 2009

The Advantages of 3-D

There is one thing of which I think almost every human is guilty. We have all, at some point walked through a home and thought, “This living room is fantastic!” or “I love how this kitchen looks; if only my home were this great!” You may even have a similar thought just visiting a theatre and noticing how great the wood working was. Now imagine collecting all those thoughts and ideas, and bringing them together to build and design your dream home. At Julie LaTerra Homes, that is exactly what happens every time we build a Made From Scratch™ Custom Home for one of our clients!
Have you ever been driving down the street on a rainy day and seen a person walking out of their home with a big smile on their face to get the mail? The reason why that person is so happy could quite possibly be because they are living in a home designed by Julie LaTerra Homes! Julie LaTerra Homes has been creating these beautiful homes for customers for over 24 years, and we are proud of our recent integration of 3D Home Design software! Now every Julie LaTerra Homes customer has the benefit of seeing their home designed in a three dimensional format so that they know exactly what the home will live like before it is built! Now you can think back to all those beautiful rooms and features of homes that you have visited in the past. It is now time for you to search your soul and discover exactly what you have been longing for all these years. Most importantly it is time for you to design your dream home. Begin each day with a smile on your face; begin each day in a Made From Scratch™ custom home, built exclusively by Julie LaTerra Homes!

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