Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Newest Green Products… Winners or Losers?

I don’t know if you’ve checked out This Old House online lately, but it is full of incredible information for your home. It’s not just limited to restoring, say a farmhouse that was built in the 1950’s, but there are tons of things you can do to your existing house or incorporate into a "Made from Scratch" custom home that will save you money and increase your quality of life!
I’m going to showcase some of my favorite articles from This Old House online here… I picked some interesting ones, like how to save money, what products will save on energy and of course, new green products.

This article from showcases the Greatest New Green Products. You can check it out at,,20178451,00.html!
1. Save water… Wash your hands as you flush the toilet!
2. Free hot water… Mount a skylight on your roof that will power a pump and heat a 60-gallon how-water storage tank.
3. Reuse & recycle… New composite fencing can be made out of plastic and cardboard.
4. Collect rainwater… A rubberized cloth bladder can collect up to 1,000 gallons of water and fold into a small package when empty!
5. Guilt-free outdoor living spaces… PureWood’s yellow pine is made without preservatives, metals and additives,
6. Kill mold… No chemicals or VOCs, it’s even edible!
7. Heat & Cool from the ground up… Geothermal systems are a ____ to traditional HVAC and furnace systems
8. Clean dishes with less, for less… Bosch 800-series dishwashers use less energy & water!
9. A normal-looking, efficient toilet… Use less water flushing so you don’t feel guilty when using the sink to wash your hands!

Which ones do you think will make it to Home Depot or mainstream building specs? Don’t forget that at Julie LaTerra Homes we don’t say No! We can find the items that you want in your home; products that meet your needs, fit your budget and enhance your life!

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