Saturday, April 18, 2009

How To Design the Perfect Room in your Brand New Home

After years of working in the new home industry there are a few things that have become very apparent to me. The best homes seem to have a room where everyone gathers and enjoys each other’s company. This room has enough space for everyone to get comfortable, yet it keeps people close enough to each other so that no one has to raise the volume of their voice to be heard. This “Perfect Room” has windows that allow in natural light and provides serene views of the great outdoors! The big question seems to be, “How do I design this perfect room?”

Answer: The perfect room isn’t exactly a set of dimensions and window sizes that create the perfect space. In fact, when I refer to “The Perfect Room” I do not think of a definition or exact set of rules that make this happen. “The Perfect Room” is not universal; it is something that needs to be custom tailored to suit the needs of those enjoying it. The only way for you to truly get the perfect space is to sit with a design consultant who can help you design this room in your new home. Julie LaTerra Homes has been helping our highly valued customer’s design rooms like this for over 24 years.

The only way to get your perfect room is by considering the number of people that you envision enjoying this room. Then consider the type of furniture that you like, is it a couch? Is it a reclining sofa seat? Then consider where the home is located and how you want to position it on your land so that the sun is shining through the windows at the perfect angle for you to enjoy those relaxing evenings. Finally consider what rooms come within reach of this special space, it could be that you want the kitchen near-by for snacks, or a wet bar area to serve drinks and snacks. Perhaps a crackling fireplace would be a great way to bring in that warm cozy feeling, or even doors that open up to a large covered patio?

Whoever you are, however you live your life, and no matter what your unique needs are; Julie LaTerra Homes is the builder who can help you have the home of your dreams. For over 24 years we have been building homes that enhance people’s lives and it is because we pay close attention to every detail in the new home building process to ensure that you get the exact home that you deserve. Contact us today to begin designing your brand new Made From Scratch™ Custom Home! Call 704-979-1188 or visit us online at

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