Thursday, April 23, 2009

Versatile Color Blue

Color matters. Studies show people put a higher importance on color over touch, smell or hearing. Did you know your eyes would blink less frequently when exposed to the color blue as opposed to the color red?

Blue jeans and blue skies; blue feels and smells clean. Think of pastel sky blue and you will feel passive, even dreamy. Blue can express trustworthiness, reliability, confidence, intelligence and belonging, which is why it is frequently the color of police uniforms. First place contestants receive blue ribbons and a ‘blue power suit’ is the traditional suit worn in the business world. Blue depicts coolness, consistency, dependability, quietness, and freshness and is the favorite color of most people.

My favorite flower, the blue hydrangea, makes me think of blue skies, peaceful oceans, and favorite summers spent in Nantucket. The deep blue petals of the iris, the lacey light blue of a hydrangea, or the dramatic blue of violets imply faithfulness and can bring calmness to our hectic worlds. Perhaps this is the reason why so many of us choose blue flowers when we want to send a message of peace and tranquility.

Blue plays a significant role in other cultures. In ancient Persia ‘Blue’ was a sacred color symbolizing paradise. In Egypt, the color ‘Blue’ was a symbol of the Nile and related to crops and fertility. In early Europe, warriors painted their faces ‘Blue’ prior to going to battle. Finally, according to Western tradition, ‘something borrowed something blue’ is representative of faithfulness and loyalty.

Here is some ‘Blue’ trivia. Have you heard the saying ‘once in a blue moon?’ The Farmer's Almanac describes a blue moon as the phenomenon of a full moon occuring twice in one calendar month.

You ask ‘How do I use ‘Blue’ in home décor?’ Well, the Blue Room at the White House is used for receptions, receiving lines, and small dinners. A blue room can be grand and majestic like the White House or calming, where time passes slowly and you will not feel rushed. Colorful farmhouse blues and yellow combine well and work perfectly in a room. Use Nantucket Blues and white accents for a breezy, nautical feel. Fun and whimsical blues can make a fine addition to your new home. Make bold statements in your home with blue walls. Whether bold and bright, or soft and soothing, versatile blue is calming in any shade.

At Julie LaTerra Homes monthly Girls Night Out, color is one of the topics we frequently explore. To find out more about this fun-filled entertaining night, contact us at 704.979.1188 or visit us on the web at

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