Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Julie & Julia

This past weekend I went to see the movie “Julie and Julia” and loved every moment of it. If you haven’t had the chance to see this yet, please put this on your “Must Do” list. Meryl Streep is phenomenal as Julia Childs! There is a scene in the movie where Julie, who has decided to cook through every recipe in the Julia Child’s cookbook in 365 days, has a complete meltdown in her kitchen. She is living in an apartment that is 900 square feet, so you can imagine how small the kitchen is.
I am sure we can all relate to that feeling of needing more cabinet space to store the appliances, dishes, and other cooking utensils. We all know the desire to have a pantry that allows us to find things quickly and where we can stay organized. We all know the desire to have more countertop space where we can master that complicated and complex meal preparation. We need to spread out, but are so limited and it can definitely cause frustration. We all know when the kitchen is too small, and when more than one person is in this vital room, the feeling of claustrophobia that overcomes us. All of these factors create so much frustration and emotional disturbance, to say the least.
Julie LaTerra Homes, Charlotte’s custom home builder, has a team of designers who can help you design the kitchen of your dreams. Imagine having pull out shelves where you can easily reach your desired item. Imagine a walk-in pantry where you can properly arrange those canned items and find exactly what you need. I know you can imagine having enough counter space to work efficiently, and have multiple tasks going on at the same time and not feel over crowded. Let your imagination run wild. Please visit our website,, and make plans to visit our state of the art design center which is here to inspire you in your custom home design.

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